Note: Due to the use of some C++ feature in header files, they can’t be compiled under pure C without hacking. This will be change in future.

Please check the following example to see how to use f3kdb in your program:

// Compile with: g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra example.cpp -lf3kdb

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <f3kdb/f3kdb.h>

int main()
    static const int FRAME_WIDTH = 640;
    static const int FRAME_HEIGHT = 480;

    f3kdb_video_info_t vi;
    vi.width = FRAME_WIDTH;
    vi.height = FRAME_HEIGHT;

    // YUV 4:2:0
    vi.chroma_width_subsampling = 1;
    vi.chroma_height_subsampling = 1;

    // 8-bit video
    vi.pixel_mode = LOW_BIT_DEPTH;
    vi.depth = 8;

    // Set this to estimated value if frame count is unknown
    vi.num_frames = 42;

    f3kdb_params_t params;
    int result;
    result = f3kdb_params_init_defaults(&params); // Always call this to initialize parameters to correct default value
    if (result != F3KDB_SUCCESS) {
        printf("f3kdb_params_init_defaults code = %d\n", result);
        return result;

    // Fill parameters. You can also directly modify params
    result = f3kdb_params_fill_preset(&params, "medium/nograin");
    if (result != F3KDB_SUCCESS) {
        printf("f3kdb_params_fill_preset code = %d\n", result);
        return result;
    result = f3kdb_params_fill_by_string(&params, "seed=42/dither_algo=2");
    if (result != F3KDB_SUCCESS) {
        printf("f3kdb_params_fill_by_string code = %d\n", result);
        return result;

    // No need to call f3kdb_params_sanitize or f3kdb_video_info_sanitize,
    // unless you want to inspect how the parameter object look like after
    // replacing default values with inferred values

    f3kdb_core_t* core;
    char extra_error[1024];
    result = f3kdb_create(&vi, &params, &core, extra_error, sizeof(extra_error));
    if (result != F3KDB_SUCCESS) {
        printf("f3kdb_create code = %d, msg=%s\n", result, extra_error);
        return result;

    // For demonstration purpose, we just try to deband some garbage data
    static const int buffer_size = FRAME_WIDTH * 480 + 15; // Keep room for 16-byte alignment
    unsigned char src_buffer[buffer_size];
    unsigned char dst_buffer[buffer_size];

    // Align the buffers
    // Note: Source buffer can be unaligned, but performance may be degraded for unaligned buffer
    // Destination buffer MUST be aligned, otherwise bad things may happen
    // Use posix_memalign / _aligned_malloc to allocate aligned buffer in real world
    unsigned char* src_buffer_ptr = (unsigned char*)(((uintptr_t)src_buffer + 15) & ~15);
    unsigned char* dst_buffer_ptr = (unsigned char*)(((uintptr_t)dst_buffer + 15) & ~15);

    // Y plane
    result = f3kdb_process_plane(core, 0, PLANE_Y, dst_buffer_ptr, FRAME_WIDTH, src_buffer_ptr, FRAME_WIDTH);
    if (result != F3KDB_SUCCESS) {
        printf("f3kdb_process_plane code = %d\n", result);
        return result;
    // Cb plane
    result = f3kdb_process_plane(core, 0, PLANE_CB, dst_buffer_ptr, FRAME_WIDTH, src_buffer_ptr, FRAME_WIDTH);
    if (result != F3KDB_SUCCESS) {
        printf("f3kdb_process_plane code = %d\n", result);
        return result;

    // Clean up
    return 0;